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DOT•PLUG Breakaway Wiring System
for Roadway Lighting Systems
A Safer & More Economical Lighting System

Pole Knock Down Photos
As you travel down the US Highways and Interstates take note as you will easily find where errant vehicles have struck lighting poles and have caused a "knock-down".  The photos below are examples and comparisons of actual knock downs between lighting systems that have incorporated the DOTPLUG breakaway cable system (which is compliant with AASHTO, FHWA, and Highway Engineering Handbook designs)  to systems still using conventional wiring methods (non-compliant).

DOTPLUG Breakaway Cable Systems - PCDS
ASSHTO, FHWA, Highway Engineering Handbook COMPLIANT

Click the Thumbnails below to expand the photos



Conventional Wired Lighting Systems

Click the Thumbnails below to expand the photos

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Copyright MG Squared 2012